London. 1868. The Industrial Revolution. An age of invention and prosperity, built on the backs of working class slaves. As gangster assassin Jacob Frye, you will recruit your gang to fight for justice on behalf of the oppressed working class. Lead the underworld to take back London in a visceral adventure filled with action, intrigue and brutal combat.In 1868, at the tail end of the Industrial
Revolution, with the Assassin Brotherhood all but eradicated, twins Jacob (Paul Amos) and Evie Frye (Jennifer Hale) leave Crawley for London and arrive to find a city controlled by the Templars, with both the Church and the Monarchy losing their power. Raised as Assassins to follow the Creed, Jacob and Evie aim to take back the city from Templar control by infiltrating and uniting London's criminal underworld, aided by notable figures of the era such as novelist Charles Dickens and biologist Charles Darwin..
Assasssin's Creed Syndicate Debut Trailer [US]
Assasssin's Creed Syndicate Debut Trailer [US]
Hold nothing back as you unleash lightening-fast multi-kills and counter-moves, with an offense-heavy combat system. Approach each fight the way you want, whether it’s with new weapons or using the environments around you to execute unique, creative takedowns.
Assasssin's Creed Syndicate Gamerplay Walkthrough [US]
The Assassins' main weapons this time around include brass knuckles, a compact revolver, a cane sword and the traditional Nepalese curved kukri knife and combat is faster-paced than before with latency having been cut in half and multiple enemies attacking the player at once. Additionally new travelling systems make their debut in the game, such as a rope launcher which allows the player to rappel up structures as well as create a zip-line between buildings. With Jacob as the leader, gamers can establish Great Britain’s fiercest gang, the only force that can challenge the elite and defeat rival gangs to bring freedom to the oppressed masses. Enemy strongholds can be infiltrated by using an arsenal of weapons to dominate London’s underworld. From robbing trains to rescuing child laborers, players will stop at nothing to bring justice to London’s lawless streets.
The Assassins' main weapons this time around include brass knuckles, a compact revolver, a cane sword and the traditional Nepalese curved kukri knife and combat is faster-paced than before with latency having been cut in half and multiple enemies attacking the player at once. Additionally new travelling systems make their debut in the game, such as a rope launcher which allows the player to rappel up structures as well as create a zip-line between buildings. With Jacob as the leader, gamers can establish Great Britain’s fiercest gang, the only force that can challenge the elite and defeat rival gangs to bring freedom to the oppressed masses. Enemy strongholds can be infiltrated by using an arsenal of weapons to dominate London’s underworld. From robbing trains to rescuing child laborers, players will stop at nothing to bring justice to London’s lawless streets.
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Jacob Frye Trailer [US]
JACOB FRYE - New Assassin
Release date(fixed)- October 23, 2015
Director- Marc Alexis Cote
Developers- Ubisoft Quebec
Publishers- Ubisoft
Modes- Single player
Platforms- Xbox
Genres- Action/Adventure, Stealth, third person
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